Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do's and Don't's

I am often surprised and amused by the things I hear myself saying to Barrett. You'd think that some things would go without saying, but here's a partial list of some of the things I have actually had to tell Barrett not to do in the past week:

"Barrett, please don't....

-lick the counter (while checking out at The Gap)
-throw your Captain America shield at your baby sister
-give your baby sister a wet willy
-talk about your private parts at church
-tell a woman you just met that she is disgusting
-tell your mommy and daddy that you will "poop on us" if we say something you don't like


Mary Ellen Wood said...

That's hilarious!!! Although I can say that as an outsider, for the parent I can imagine that it's quite exasperating. It's amazing parents can maintain their sanity at all.

Little Lamb said...


PrettyParadise said...

Oh Barrett! He's so silly! I love all the bodily function things he has going on right now! so funny! Cant' wait to see you guys on Sunday!