Friday, January 15, 2010

Matt Wood, Sellout

Not too long ago, I filled my ears with music by new artists that had not yet found their popularity. According to the wife, I was one of those people that turned their noses up at the thought "music on the radio."

As I sit here typing this post, I am listening to, and loving, Adam Lambert's "Whataya Want From Me." For those still too cool to know who he is, he is the 2009 American Idol runner-up. If you read those two previous sentences closely, you'll notice some sharp contrasts to the former version of myself detailed in the first paragraph.

I don't know what has happened to me. If you organize my iTunes playlist in order of "play count", you'll find "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga at #1, followed by a couple of Kanye West songs and more Gaga at spots #6 and #7.

I could blame it on the extra responsibilities I've taken on in the past couple years - getting married, having a kid, etc. But that's misleading and the easy way out. It probably started back in college - when I had multiple arguments trying to convince people that "How You Remind Me" by Nickelback was "an undeniably catchy" song.

I guess I just have to face the Lady Gaga music and realize I've changed. I've sold out. I've gone pop. I'm sorry I've failed all of you.


Amanda & Brian said...

What a let down. Especially what with your pioneer days as scrawny white rap connoisseur.

Plus...Kris Allen all the way! (Yeah...I watched it.)

Mike said...

I actually admitted to Andrea the other day that "Whataya Want From Me" isn't half bad. Lada Gaga on the other hand... totally inexcusable!